• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Things You Need To Know: Freewallet Is Scam

ByFrank Watson

Jul 24, 2023
Things You Need To Know: Freewallet Is Scam
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Freewallet is a cryptocurrency wallet provider that offers mobile wallets for various digital currencies. It positions itself as a convenient and dedicated wallet app for individuals looking to manage their crypto assets easily. Freewallet claims to provide a built-in exchange, allowing users to seamlessly trade their digital currencies. However, numerous red flags and concerns have been raised about Freewallet’s practices, including high transaction fees, limited transparency, frozen customer assets, and questionable security measures. Many crypto enthusiasts have labeled Freewallet as a scam, citing instances of suspicious activity, frozen assets, and a custodial nature that goes against the decentralized ethos of cryptocurrencies. Review sites and online communities have also reported numerous complaints against Freewallet, making it highly advisable for users to exercise caution and consider alternatives when it comes to selecting a reliable cryptocurrency wallet provider.

Is Freewallet A Scam?

Several red flags and suspicious activities have surrounded the popular cryptocurrency wallet, Freewallet. Many users have accused the company of selective scamming, where some individuals have fallen victim to suspicious transactions and unresolved concerns.

One of the major concerns is the lack of transparency and communication from Freewallet. Numerous users have reported experiencing unexplained freezes on their accounts, with no satisfactory explanation or resolution provided by the company. This custodial nature of the wallet raises questions about the security measures in place to protect users’ funds.

Additionally, users have noted instances where their assets have been frozen without any valid reason, leaving them unable to access their crypto assets. This lack of control over one’s funds is a significant red flag and goes against the fundamental principles of cryptocurrencies.

Furthermore, there have been reports of Freewallet charging exorbitant transaction fees and the inability to provide accurate information about these fees. Many users have found themselves paying significantly higher fees compared to other wallet providers, raising suspicions about the company’s motives.

These suspicious activities and unresolved concerns surrounding Freewallet have led to accusations of selective scamming. It is advisable to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before entrusting your crypto assets to this particular wallet provider.

The Red Flags of Freewallet

Freewallet has been under scrutiny due to numerous red flags and suspicious activities surrounding its operations. Users have raised concerns about the lack of transparency and communication from the company, as well as instances of unexplained freezes and frozen assets. Additionally, the high transaction fees charged by Freewallet, coupled with the inability to provide accurate information, have raised suspicions about the company’s motives. These red flags have led many to question the security measures and custodial nature of Freewallet, ultimately casting doubt on its reliability and trustworthiness as a cryptocurrency wallet provider.

Unclear Ownership

One of the major concerns with Freewallet is the lack of clear information about the ownership of the company. This can lead to mistrust and uncertainty among users who are unsure about who is in control of their funds.

Unfortunately, Freewallet provides very little information about its ownership, which raises questions about the trustworthiness of the platform. Users want to know who is managing their cryptocurrencies and whether they can rely on the company to safeguard their assets.

The lack of transparency surrounding Freewallet’s ownership is a red flag for many crypto enthusiasts. Without knowing who is in control, it becomes difficult to trust the platform with your funds.

Additionally, the absence of clear ownership information makes it challenging for users to hold the company accountable in case of any issues or disputes. It leaves users in a vulnerable position, unsure about the protection of their crypto assets.

In this world of digital currencies, trust is of utmost importance. Without transparency and clear ownership details, users may rightly question the reliability and security of Freewallet.

Suspicious Reviews & Cryptocurrency Losses

Suspicious reviews and instances of cryptocurrency losses have plagued Freewallet, tarnishing its reputation and raising questions about its trustworthiness.

Numerous users have reported issues and financial losses while using the wallet. For instance, some claim to have experienced unauthorized transactions, with their funds mysteriously disappearing from their accounts. Others have encountered difficulties in accessing their wallets or have been unable to withdraw their funds.

These incidents have had a significant impact on the reputation of Freewallet. The company is often regarded as untrustworthy and unreliable by the crypto community. Negative reviews and experiences shared by users have further damaged its standing in the market.

The lack of transparency surrounding the ownership of Freewallet compounds the issue, making it even more challenging for users to trust the platform with their money.

Overall, the suspicious reviews and instances of cryptocurrency losses associated with Freewallet have created a sense of unease among users, resulting in a loss of confidence in the platform and its ability to protect their assets.

High Transaction Fees and Low Limits Per Day

Freewallet, the cryptocurrency wallet provider, has been widely criticized for its high transaction fees and low limits per day. Many users have found themselves paying exorbitant fees for their transactions while being limited in the amount they can transact within a day.

One of the major problems with Freewallet is the lack of clarity and transparency surrounding its fee structure. Unlike other reputable wallet providers that clearly outline their transaction fees, Freewallet fails to provide comprehensive information on its website. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for users to estimate the fees they will be charged and can result in unexpectedly high costs.

Furthermore, the fees charged by Freewallet are significantly higher than standard blockchain network fees. Users have reported paying several times more than what they would have if they had used a different wallet or conducted their transactions directly on the blockchain. This discrepancy further adds to the frustration and financial burden of Freewallet users.

For example, some users have reported being charged transaction fees of up to 10% for sending or receiving funds. In comparison, typical transaction fees on the blockchain are usually below 1%. Additionally, the low limits per day imposed by Freewallet restrict users from transacting larger amounts, hindering their ability to manage their crypto assets effectively.

No Responsive Customer Support Team

One of the most significant drawbacks of using Freewallet is the lack of a responsive customer support team. While the company does have a customer support system in place, it has been heavily criticized for being rude and condescending toward its users.

Numerous users have reported negative interactions with the customer support team in public spaces such as Trustpilot. Complaints range from unhelpful responses to dismissive attitudes, leaving users feeling frustrated and unsupported.

Having a timely and helpful customer support team is crucial, especially when it comes to technical issues or questions about the safety of one’s wallet. Unfortunately, Freewallet falls short in this area, leaving users feeling neglected and helpless.

In a world where cryptocurrencies are highly technical and can have significant financial implications, having a supportive and knowledgeable customer support team is of utmost importance. Freewallet’s lack of responsiveness and negative interactions with its users only serve to further erode trust and confidence in the company.

Lack of Security Features

Freewallet is scam because it raises serious concerns when it comes to the security of users’ crypto assets. One of the most significant drawbacks is the lack of essential security measures that are critical for the protection of digital currencies.

Offline storage, a widely accepted best practice in the crypto world, is notably absent from Freewallet. This means that users’ funds are constantly connected to the internet, making them more vulnerable to hacking attempts and unauthorized access. Additionally, the platform’s inadequate private key control leaves users at risk. With Freewallet, users do not have full control over their private keys, which essentially means that they are relying on a third party to safeguard their funds. This lack of control is a significant security risk as it makes it easier for hackers or malicious actors to gain access to users’ crypto assets.

Furthermore, Freewallet’s advanced authentication methods are also lacking. Without robust authentication processes such as multi-factor authentication or hardware wallet integration, users have limited options to secure their accounts effectively. This raises concerns about the overall security of the platform.

Entrusting the control of private keys to a third-party wallet provider like Freewallet exposes users to unnecessary risks. The importance of having full control over one’s crypto assets cannot be overstated. By opting for a wallet that offers enhanced security measures like offline storage, advanced authentication methods, and complete private key control, users can significantly mitigate the risks associated with cryptocurrency storage.

Poor User Interface Design

Freewallet’s poor user interface design has garnered significant negative user feedback regarding its usability and functionality. Users have expressed frustration with the wallet app’s interface, citing difficulties in navigating and accessing various features.

One specific issue that users have encountered is the lack of intuitive design. Freewallet’s interface is cluttered and lacks clear organization, making it challenging for users to find the information or perform the actions they need. This lack of user-friendly design leads to a frustrating user experience and hinders the functionality of the wallet app.

Another difficulty users have faced is the complex and confusing layout of the app. Important features and functionalities are often buried deep within multiple layers of menus, making it time-consuming and frustrating to perform even simple tasks. Additionally, the lack of clear instructions and tooltips exacerbates usability issues, leaving users struggling to navigate the app effectively.

Alternatives to Freewallet

While Freewallet may not be the ideal choice for users due to its lack of intuitive design and complex layout, there are several alternative wallet options available in the market. These alternatives offer better user experiences and provide more streamlined functionalities for managing crypto assets. One popular option is a cold storage wallet, which offers enhanced security by keeping the private keys offline. Another option is a dedicated wallet created by reputable wallet providers, which is specifically designed to focus on the needs of individual users. Additionally, some wallets have built-in exchanges, allowing users to easily trade and convert their digital currencies. It is important for users to thoroughly research and compare different wallet services to find the one that best suits their needs, as not all wallets offer the same level of security, usability, and support.

Crypto Wallets That Are Not Scams

When it comes to storing your digital currencies, security should be your utmost priority. While there are scams out there, it’s essential to highlight some trustworthy crypto wallets that prioritize security measures and provide user-friendly interfaces.

Hardware wallets are widely regarded as the most secure option, as they store your private keys offline. Companies like Ledger and Trezor offer hardware wallets with robust security features, ensuring your funds are safe even if your computer is compromised. These wallets are easy to use and support a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

If you prefer a more accessible option, cold storage wallets are another great choice. They store your private keys offline, making them immune to online hacking attempts. Popular cold storage wallet providers include Ledger and Trezor, which offer a secure way to store your crypto assets offline.

For those who prefer the convenience of mobile wallets, there are several options available. Mobile wallets allow you to keep your cryptocurrencies on your smartphone, providing the convenience of accessing your funds on the go. One popular mobile wallet is Exodus, which supports multiple cryptocurrencies and offers a user-friendly interface.

Overall, it’s important to choose a wallet that suits your needs and prioritizes security. Hardware wallets, cold storage wallets, and mobile wallets like Exodus are excellent options that provide robust security measures and user-friendly interfaces. Remember to always research and choose reputable wallet providers to ensure the safety of your crypto assets.


In conclusion, after conducting a thorough review of Freewallet, it is evident that there are serious concerns surrounding its custodial nature and security features. While Freewallet has gained popularity and offers a wide range of cryptocurrency wallets, it is important to note that users do not have control over their private keys. This poses a significant risk, as it leaves their crypto assets vulnerable to hacking attempts and potential loss.

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